Saturday, March 9, 2013


It’s a funny thing - life
Makes you stand on a double edged knife
Such is its idea of fun, I had no idea, none
And ‘Dear’, it says, ‘the Game had just begun.’

I had this idea of writing a dedication to life in the hope that I could be able to understand it better when I’m through. Blame it on my mood but I wanted it to be a slap on the face to the phrase ‘Oh Lovely, Lovely Life’- that in honey coated words woven with the silken thread of sarcasm. In my attempt at the same, I end up making a blatant complaint against life in a very loud and gaudy way. Like barfing a nine course meal. Not neat at all. You are expected to be really neat when you have reached twenty three. More so in the case of the so called sophisticated Graduates and Post Graduates. Looks like the Education System here has pretty wide loopholes. Because I fell through one of them. Unscratched. 

It is marvelous how the physical and psychological aspects of a human are so deeply intertwined. Just the idea that something as metaphysical and abstract as a thought or a deep muse is holding so much power that it can show its impact on something as definite and explicit as the body itself is overwhelming. Why this impact is higher when the muse is on the gloomier side is a question that is to be pondered upon.

It starts at a brain cell – just a slight prick
Then begins the game of ‘pass-the-brick’
The needle moves on, piercing each cell
The pain – in words one cannot tell

There are two occasions during which I worry about the size of my head. One is when I’m being an idiot. The other is when it aches. Man, I can actually feel it – the perimeter, the diameter, everything. And it feels small, in fact minute, when I behold the colossal amount of thoughts it holds. Each thought writhing and crawling and fighting to emerge out from within. Each thought, like it has its own life. Oh. That brings me back to the topic we were talking about. Life. I digress quite a lot.
Wow. There I go. Blank. Zilch. Nada. Nothing I can think of writing. Nothing to keep this article going. Of all the trillion thoughts burning away in my brain, none seems to be making it to the top of my head. It’s like crabs fighting to get out of a well. Each one pulls down the one ahead of it in the race to make it to the top. Wicked, isn’t it? Too bad. 

They say stagnation is death
Ask yourself, is it true?
Bread when kept away
Fungus it’ll accrue
Fungus grows, but death doesn’t
So stagnation isn’t death
It’s a negative growth

‘Pause, but don’t stop’. ‘Think’. ‘Proceed’. ‘Life doesn’t give many chances.’ Blah blah. Million things said, trillion advices given.
Whatever. Chill. Live it, do not endure it. So what if there is a negative growth? Amputate it.
There are a few teachers I really admire; who taught me ‘life’. Some in an hour; some over years. One such person said, “Kill the Problem”. Problem is fragile. It dies when you get over it. Avoid it, jump over, take another way, fight, but get over it. Now no needle is sharp enough to prick your brain.

 It’s a funny thing – Life.